The Midwife of Torment – audio
Midwife of Torment and Other Stories is a collection of sudden fictions. The thirteen stories featured in this CD, and read by the author, have been previously published in literary magazines in Canada and internationally. These new stories, written concurrently to paulo da costa’s first book, The Scent of a Lie, allow the reader to revisit some of the characters from his first book. A musical introduction performed by the author opens each story. Time 72:00 ISBN 0-9781847-1-8 Ed. Livros Pé d’Orelha audio sample
xx poemas
Coleção de vinte poemas em português selecionados de dois manuscritos de poesia intitulados: Eco(lógico) e bifocal. Inclui o clássico e longo poema: ser português . Poema difundido e publicado em diversas antologias e revistas. Livro de poesia áudio, declamado pelo autor e profissionalmente gravado em estúdio. Livros Pé d’Orelha ISBN-978-972-99543-2-0 amostra
notas de rodapé – audio
Coleção de vinte e dois poemas – Tempo: 50:00 Livro de poesia áudio, declamado pelo autor e profissionalmente gravado em estúdio. índice: I primeira impressão / do parto à partida / calcanhar de Aquiles (animus) / édipo antes de édipo // II pertencer a dois mundos / desprendido / peregrinação / peão / efémero // III ansioso por engolir a distância / vaguear em coimbra / gelo canadiano / abominável homem das neves / kónia, anatólia // IV tão longe, tão perto / sem raízes/ raquete de neve / deambular / lua rainbow : 1/ : 2 / : 3 o rodopio da wiebke / musgo negro / a caçada…
The Scent of a Lie – audio
The complete digital audio version of the prize-winning book of short-stories 2003 Commonwealth Writers Prize for Best First Book (Caribbean & Canada Region) 2002 City of Calgary W. O. Mitchel Book Award 2001 Canongate Prize for short fiction The Scent of a Lie is a book of fourteen inter-connected stories set in two charismatic towns in Portugal where characters weave in and out of the narrative. The book can be read as a novel in fragments. This is a remarkable debut collection of tales told by a true storyteller. The Scent of a Lie received the 2003 Commonwealth Writers Prize for Best First Book in the Caribbean & Canada region…
Twenty Poems
These collected poems, previously published in literary magazines and anthologies across North America, Europe and Australia, and yet to be collected in book form, are now available in a professionally recorded audio book read by the author. The poems are excerpted from three separate manuscripts. The Book of Water, footnotes (English version) and other. Time 32:00 ISBN ISBN 0-9781847-0-X Ed. Livros Pé d’Orelha audio sample
The Book of Catalogues
A collection of sudden fictions. The twelve stories professionally recorded in studio and read by the author have been previously published in literary magazines in Canada and internationally. These new stories, written concurrently to paulo da costa’s first book, The Scent of a Lie, allow the reader to revisit some of the characters from his first book. A musical introduction performed by the author opens each story. Livros Pé d’Orelha ISBN 978-0-9781847-2-8 Time: 47:00 audio sample
notas de rodapé
poemas Livro eletrónico (clica no formato) Livro Papel na Da reinterpretação mitológica patente no poema “édipo antes de édipo?” ao poema de pendor autobiográfico “gelo canadiano”, das paisagens intimistas de “tão longe, tão perto” à crítica de costumes de “peregrinação”, da composição quase cinematográfica da sequência dos três poemas que compõem “lua rainbow” à brevidade sentenciosa e auto-reflexiva de poemas como “primeira impressão”, o universo poético de paulo da costa parece deslocar-se permanentemente por entre um sem número de impressões onde poderemos ver, se assim o entendermos e soubermos, um igual sem número de notas de rodapé em relação a esse grande e indecifrável texto que…
The Scent of a Lie
short-stories – paulo da costa Efile formats (click on format) Paperback from The Scent of a Lie is a book of fourteen inter-connected stories, set in two charismatic towns in Portugal. Characters weave in and out of the intertwined stories, which can be read as a novel in fragments. (2002/2012) – Paperback (140p) Format: 196 x 126 – ISBN: 1-894800-07-9 Audio-Book (unabridged) Time: 4 h 14 m ISBN: 9780978184773 BOOK AWARDS: 2003 Caribbean & Canada Region Commonwealth Writers Prize – First Book 2002 W.O. Mitchell City of Calgary Book Prize 2001 Canongate Short-Fiction Prize (Scotland)
O Perfume da Mentira
O Perfume da Mentira é um livro de catorze contos interligados que se desenrolam em duas aldeias carismáticas de Portugal e podendo mesmo ser lido como um romance em retalhos.
The Cartography of Being
[Paperback] Efile formats (click on format) Nuno Júdice (Author), paulo da costa (Translator) This bilingual anthology of fifty one poems selected from Júdice’s extensive poetic opus covers the years of 1967 to 2005 and contains the original Portuguese poems face à face with their English translations. Although his works have been translated into twelve languages in twenty countries, Júdice’s poetry is underrepresented in the English language. At present, this anthology stands as the only book of his poetry available in the English language. The extended, contemplative tone in many of Júdice’s poems, his unhurried meditation on the subject at hand will appeal to the reader who seeks refuge from…