News,  Stories,  Sudden Fiction,  Teaching

The Art of Micro-Fiction

Tuesday March 21 2023

7-9 pm MT

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Instructor: paulo da costa

From one sentence-long to 1000 words stories, join paulo in learning the necessary skills to hone your writing craft in order to deliver a compact and compelling narrative. Learn to effectively distill a story down to its most impacting emotional moment. Successful micro-fictions leave a lasting impression on a reader’s mind.

paulo has been writing sudden fiction since the 90’s and has published over 100 sudden fictions in his writing career. His micro fictions have won competitions, have been anthologized internationally, translated to other languages and recorded in audiobooks. His latest work, The Midwife of Torment and Other Stories is a collection of 60 sudden fictions.  

This workshop will take place IN PERSON at the Alexandra Writers’ Centre in Calgary.

paulo da costa is a writer, editor and translator living in Canada. He is the recipient of the 2020 James H. Gray Award for Short Nonfiction, the 2003 Commonwealth First Book Prize for the Canada-Caribbean Region, the W. O. Mitchell City of Calgary Book Prize and the Canongate Prize for short-fiction. His poetry, fiction and non-fiction have been published widely in literary magazines around the world and translated into Italian, Spanish, Serbian, Slovenian and Portuguese.

Learning to Shave, Learning to Leave, a book of creative non-fiction, is forthcoming with University of Regina Press.

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