• Essays

    The Story

      (…) excerpts   2. resuscitation Word and story can function as an emergency resuscitation for our numbed selves, quagmired in hopelessness and exhaustion, buried in overworking conditions. This rubbing of words generates sparks to illuminate the atrophied mind after a diet of cultural inanity and stale laugh tracks. A fresh story may articulate a need so utterly fundamental to human longing, so deeply repressed and silent that it will resurrect the flame of desire for a different living experience. This fundamental capacity of awakening the human spirit and resurrecting the citizen by naming, remembering, connecting and informing, giving voice to that which was silenced and lies moribund, has always…

  • Essays

    Canada (T)reads Upon our Books

      A new phenomenon of combative books adorned with spikes rather than spines, armours rather than covers, vying for centre stage and the gold medal of attention at the annual CBC Canada Reads marketing blitz, has become the prominent public spectacle of our Canadian literary scene. The essential design of this radio show—yes show, not program—borrows the militaristic “shock and awe” tactic to reveal the one and only winner by applying the psychological counterpart of the gory attrition of Roman gladiators or ice hockey goons to drum up the attention of listeners. The authors themselves are not required to step onto this cerebral bloodthirsty rink to be pitted against each…

  • Essays

    Winter Kale and the Old Man

      Portraits of Queen Elizabeth the Second in full regalia lined the walls. The oil paintings spanned the mood of her reign. Sixty prospective citizens stood, left hands raised, their free hands clutching Korans, Bibles, Books of Mormon. I clutched a pine cone in my vest pocket. “I swear I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of England, Her Heirs and Successors, according to law and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen.” Soon-to-be citizens, and eager relatives, repeated in unison, line by line, the required oath while I practised the…

  • Essays

    The Music of Translation

      Each particular text requires that the translator be attuned to its needs. The needs are varied and complex in any transposition from one language, one culture to another. Here I will focus on the exploration of a text’s specific musical needs. From the poetic to the technical, and to varying degrees, each text will require assorted scales of attention to facilitate the flow of language. To accomplish this a translator must be an attentive listener and, in addition, competent at hearing the music in the words. What does the text shout, and what does the text murmur? Will the range of notes touch all ears across all cultures? Translation…